20 - Interior Banding around the Headlining


At the purchase, the banding which divides the headlining from the vertical panels, was still present but in bed conditions. This profile has the same design of the banding placed around the doors but is manufactured in a different way.


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The banding is a stripe of strong cloth of width 40 mm that is wrapped up four times on itself.
Inside the stripe there is a thin metallic sinusoidal frame that assures the proper position of the banding when fixed inside the car.
The stripe employed in the refabrication is the same banding for sale (ENPI) to be installed around the doors.
The metallic frame was made from a brass wire, not-harmonic type.

The brass frame is placed in the middle of the stripe, 1/4 of the stripe width is folded on the other 1/4 and fixed by the glue, the same for the other half of the stripe.
The profile is ready to be fixed with the nails along its half part. The other half part is easily folded on the fixed half part.


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To bend the wire like the existing wire, the construction of a proper system was required (see photo) to obtain the correct bending, to make all the bends with the same shape and to do it in a reasonable short time.