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 NOTE: names of previous owners has no more valid link



Update of January 31 and February 7, 2025

The 7 A at position 66 of the Archive is for sale for sale
The 7 A at position 49 of the Archive is for sale for sale


Update of December, 2024

The 7 A at position 48 of the Archive has been sold known


Update of February 2, 2024

The 7 A at position 49 of the Archive has for sale Joseph Xxx


Update of January 12, 2024

The 7 A at position 45 of the Archive has been sold unknown
the 7A coupè at position 17 of the Archive has been sold    unknown


Update of December 17, 2023

The 7 A at position 28 of the Archive has a new owner in Czech Republic
Updated the Fabrication numbers of the 7A of Mr Friry    Friry
- In evidence in the Archive three 7A with previous owners changed

Update of February 14, 2023

The 7 A found through Leboncoin, for sale in October 2022 with unknon owner, is the 7 A of Mr Amoroso, actually for sale-


Update of January 27, 2023

The 7 A of Mr Michon is under restauration (at position 37) . Body shell is completed.


Update of January 22, 2023

The 7 A at position 58 of the Archive has a new owner.


Update of January 16, 2023

Through our friend Roland, the name of the 7A at position 73 of Archive , is now known

Update of January 10th , 2023 

- The number of 7A registered in the Archive has been changed from 76 to 75: one of the 7A present as Petites Annonces LVA in 1999 is the same indicated at the position 52 of the Archive 

- Both the 7A present at position 45 and 51 have been sold to the same owner


Update of December 26, 2022

- Found one new 7A not jet listed in the Archives, through our friend Jean Luc 
Mr xxx

- New 7A found through Leboncoin, for sale in October 2022e    Mr xxx

- The Super Modern 12, the english 7A Hammersmith built has a new owner
Mr Gillard

- The restauration of Mr Vermeulen 7A has been completed    Mr Vermeulen


Update of December 30, 2021

- This 7A has changed his owner in 2021    Mr Michon


Update of November 22, 2021

- This 7A has changed his owner in October 2021    Mr xxx


Update of November 21, 2021

- New 7A found through Leboncoin, for sale at the present date    Mr xxx


Update of December 30, 2020

- The 7A of Mr Boisson  indicated at the position 66 has been sold to a new owner in  2020.    Mr xxx


Update of March 20, 2020

- Mr Amoroso from France is the new owner of the 7A indicated at the position 28.    Mr Amoroso

- Mr Drapers from Holland is the new owner of the 7A indicated at the position 12.    Mr Drapers

- the 7 A at position 33 has been sold in March 2019 at an Auction in Paris    owner unknown


Update of January 3, 2019

- Mr Deneve from Belgium is the new owner of the 7A indicated at the position 45.    Mr Deneve


Update of December 27, 2018

- The 7A n. 3665, already registered but under a wrong name, was one of the Tractions exposed during the 50  ans de la Traction Universelle at Magny Cours. The owner is Mr Finat, met during the above meeting.    Mr Finat

Update of January 8, 2018

- 7A Mr Depretz - In revision to the update of January 7, we confirm that Mr Depretz is the owner of the 7A at the position 71.    Mr Depretz


Update of January 7, 2018

-  7A Mr Coennen - Sold Auction Metayer Collection Coennen July 2017  Mr unknown

- 7A Mr Depretz - Sold Auction Metayer with Collection Caron - July 2017.    Mr unknown

- 7A Mr Lestang - For sale in 2017  Lestang


Update of January 11, 2017

-  New photos of the 7A faux cabriolet de Mr Lavaux Lavaux

- The 7A if Mr Boulanger at Archive position 36 has been sold. The name of the new owner soon.    new owner

- Mr Grandjean is the new owner of the 7A at Archive position 41. New photos. Grandjean

- New discovery. This is the 7A berline of Mr Lavaux Algeria origins  Lavaux epave


Update of December 24 2016

-  The english 7A at the position 29 has finally resored. The photos of the splendid restored car. english 7A

- Mr Depretz is the new owner of the 7A at position 71 Mr Depretz

- The 7A of Mr Boulanger is for sale. New photos of the car.  Mr Boulanger


Update of January 25, 2016

- Update of description of 7A Electric Circuit -  New re-drafting of Scheme of 7A Electric Wiring . Update of  List of Cables.    7A Electric Circuit


Update of December 31 2015

-  7A or 7B ??  Identification of the traction of Mr A. de Jong by Mr Edwin Dijksterhuis with consultaion of Mr Dominque Peter . de Jong


Update of October 10 2015

-  Mr Richaud is the owner of the 7A with series plate 4515, owner unknown until today. Richaud

-  7A at the position 61 has been dismantled . dismantled


Update of December 30, 2014

-  The 7A series number 1637 with unknown owner (Annonce LVA of 1997) has been now identified . The car is the 7A pre-serie of Mr Gaubert . The number of the registered 7A is now reduced to 70


Update of December 29, 2014

-  7A Bruno Ribeiro - additional photos . Ribeiro

-  7A pre-serie Francis Gaubert now restored. Gaubert


Update of June 29, 2014

- New 7A owner at position 71 . Ribeiro


Update of March 9, 2014

- New 7A owner at position 65 . Vermeulen

- 7A of Mr Moulin is now restored   Moulin


Update of December 29, 2013

- New 7A owners at position 11 and 69 . Now both 7A are under restoration.

- Update of Links Links


Update of January 1 2013

-general revision plus 2 new 7A found at points 69 and 70


Update of December 4 2011

- a new owner for the  7A position 66 mr. Boisson

- The 7A of Mr Vonk is now restored, position 25 mr. Vonk  


Update of July 20 2011

- a new owner for the  7A position 55 mr. Munsch  


Update of June 26, 2011

-  new 7A discovered mr. Guillet  


Update of February 7, 2011

-  new 7A discovered mr. Pichonnier  


Update of December 31, 2010

-  general revision Archive  


Update of February 7, 2010

-  new 7A discovered mr. Hoek  


Update of November 11, 2009

- a new owner for the english 7A mr. Durr-Auster  


Update of November 8, 2008

- We have the information about three 7 A for sale. The 7A 05814 in Belgium 7A Ostende , the 7A 05924 in France7A 05924 and the 7A 02874 at the auction Arcturial of November 16, 2008 02674   during these last months of 2008.


Update of August 18, 2008

- Report ICCCR  2008 Roma. ICCCR Roma


Update of May 23, 2008

- Found the Owner of the famous 7A published on the Sabates book. 7A Ostende


Update of December 23,  2007

- Refabricated parts (ref. parts): the bandclamp for the rubber hoses of radiator. bandclamp


Update of November 25, 2007

- Drive a 7A in the night for the first time . night drive


Update of November 7, 2007

- Visited the 7A of Mr Olivier de Serres. 7A de Serres


Update of December 15 , 2006

- Dominique Peter visit to the pre-series 7A of mr Gaubert. 7A Gaubert


Update of November26 , 2006

- The 7 from Sweden originally classified as 7A, is a 7B model. 7B Sweden


Update of October 24 , 2006

- Look at the photos of the splendid 7A of Mr Bruder, the new owner of Mr Zuger  7A . 7A Bruder


Update of September 10, 2006

- Mr Pauchet and his 7A to EuroCitro 2006. Report


Update of September 8, 2006

- Also Slovenia has its 7A. Mr Gorazd Kavcic is new owner of a 7A just restored. 7A Kavcic


Update of June 26, 2006

- Also Australia has its 7A. Mr John Vanechop, traction collector, has contacted us informing that he is owner of a Slough 7A berline.  7A Vanechop


Update of April 17, 2006

- Report of mr. Pauchet of the trip to Arras with his 7A with technical information. 7A Arras 06


Update of April 15, 2006

- New owner for the 7A of Mr Racine. 7A Racine


Update of March 26, 2006

- New 7A faux cabriolet. the news is coming from the firend Dominique Peter. The owner is Mr Dard. 7A Dard coupè


Update of March 19, 2006

- New 7A found by Mr Dominique Peter. The owner is Mr Sousens. A complete report is included. 7A Sousens


Update of January 15, 2006

- The 7A of Mr Boisserie is now identified with its bodyshell and body numbers. 7A Boisserie


Update of January 6, 2006

- How to make the transportation of a 7A? The considerations on the 7A transportation have been included. 7A transportation


Update of December 29, 2005

- One of the 7A identified only by a photo and included in the Archive, has been recognized. it is the 7A of Mr Holz, now at the Muhlouse Museum and registered in the Archive at position 16.. 7A Mulhouse


Update of November 27, 2005

- New pictures for the 7A of Mr Racine, the restored 7A n. 5715 (Archive n. 47). 7A Racine

- Restoraton of 7A n. 1022: added  new description 21 relevant to the 7A interior parts, composed by 6 new pages  refabricated parts


Update of November 1, 2005

Three 7A are for sale:
--The 7A of Mr Cizain, 7A Cizain
-- The 7A of Mr Lafon, 
7A Lafon
-- The 7A of Mr Shouten, ; for sale in April 2005, 7A Shouten

Please contact us for any contact with the owner


 Update of October 12, 2005

- Restoraton of 7A n. 1022: added  new description 19 of refabricated parts  refabricated parts


Update of October 10, 2005

- New reportage with history of the 7A of Mr Racine, the restored 7A n. 5715 (Archive n. 47). 7A Racine

- Restoraton of 7A n. 1022: added  new descriptions 17 and 23 of refabricated parts  refabricated parts


Update of September 30, 2005

- Restoraton of 7A n. 1022: added 3 new descriptions of refabricated parts  refabricated parts


Update of September 22, 2005

- Beautiful reportage sent by Mr Pauchet (owner of the 7A Archive n. 23) of a 7A still unknown.
Bodyshell number AZ 0099.
7A Wissant

Update of September 7, 2005

- Mr Hougaard 7A from Denmark has now also a picture (sent by Mr Vig) Mr Hougaard 7A
- The 7A of Mr Boers has been restored
Mr Boers 7A
- Mr Diligent living in Alsace, is the owner of a 7A still unknown. The information comes from the friend Dominique Peter.
- Mr Lafon is the owner of a 7A "sorti de grange". The 7A is for sale. This 7A has the series number 2877 exactly before the series number (2878) of the 7A owned by CITROEN.
-  New identification: the 7A with the plaque 702 CE 78 sold in the 90’s in the Lion region. The information comes through the tractionist Andrè Cordier .

Update of August 10, 2005 

- On the magazine LVA 1180 (June 23, 2005) was indicated the 7A owned by mr Bouchet with the relevant photo. This is a 7B model.
The 7A of mr Shouten is for sale. The car is half restored
Mr Schouten 7A